Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dream Journal

I have had vivid dreams for the last two nights. I used to keep a dream journal and write all my dreams down. They say it helps you remember dreams more easily in the future. I stopped because it was a hassle.

The dream last night started somewhere and had some stuff happen that I don't really remember. One part I was on an island in the sky with others, and we would travel by thrusting ourselves into these long gray dirt tunnels. One of these lead to the Netherlands, and that was one of my companions homelands. This is probably due to a line from Gettysburg, which I watched last night.

I was working for someone who told me to spread around these dangerous, poison capsules. I remember objecting and being told that it didn't matter. There was a lot of small trains on a lot of small tracks around this countryside. There were lanterns on the back hitch of these trains, and I remember a contest to get one. I tried and failed. At one point a train went by and put gravestones down in-between the tracks it was on. apparently, the train could still move over them. The part I remember vividly is an abandoned house. I went into the house alone, and remember it being quite frightening. I then had a companion, though, who I think was a friend of mine named Laura. She told me this is the house she grew up in, and we thought it was haunted. She told me to lay the capsules, which looked like small, wax, orange-syrup filled scimitars, on the table in the dining room. I also had small , round, capsules of butter that I laid around the house. I guess the goal was to get someone to pick them up, one of the haunters.
There was also a small shack across the road from this abandoned house. The house was a three-story house on a hill, will a full basement. We left that place and came back later, and went through the kitchen and the dining room where the table was. The capsules were gone, and instead there were small blue squirt guns in various positions pointing at us. They started firing, but Laura remembered doing this as a child and the way to make them stop was to simply yell "stop!" and point at the gun. We did that and they stopped, and then magically a small girl appeared behind each one and laughed and scurried away.
We then all sat at the dining room table, and then Laura's mother appear with great duress to Laura. she noticed my presence, but not Laura's. She offered me cereal and began talking to me like I was one of her daughter's friends. I remember her telling me she had five daughters and five sons, but the sons never appeared. She seemed to be stuck in a time past. I had a magazine with me, and she commented, "how come I can see your feet through the table?" The magazine was dated 2010. I then realized she could not see anything that was "out of her time," which was about 1996. She seemed troubled by this, and I asked her if she knew anything about mental diseases, or slow degrading of the brain. She said no, but I pointed out the hole in the table which wasn't there, and she started to break down. I told her to follow me. I took her out of the house and across the street, which was now a large, three-story house build around the shack that was once there. Laura's mother told me how her husband lived here, and they were getting separated. I took her to a room upstairs and turned on the light and told her to look around. She seemed to vaguely understand what was happening. I told her to look at the magazine, and asked if she could read the date. "2010..." she said. I told her that that was the current year and time, and she has been stuck in the mental state of fifteen years ago. Slowly she changed and looked around, and fully realized where she was and what was happening. I was very excited to show Laura. I went out into the main living room on the third story of the shack-house. there was a lot of people here, but not Laura. I yelled for Laura, thought I saw her, but it was only someone who looked like her. I then yelled for any Williams sister, and could find none. I panicked and ran back to the mother's room. She was emulating some sort of martial art move that someone was showing her, and she lost her balance and fell on the ground, hitting her head. I then saw a computer diagram that showed an image she had not recognized. There was a date in the corner of this image -- 2010. The image started to disintegrate, starting from the lower right. I yelled "No!" at increasing volumes. The image disappeared and was replaced by one that simply stated, "1996." I was heartbroken, and full of anguish.

The dream ended here, and I awoke with a start. It was a very painful dream, and very interesting to me. I often dream, but the last two nights have been very vivid. They involved doing things under a lot of duress, but were not nightmares. This one in particular is very interesting to me because it contains two things that are not supposed to occur in dreams -- color and being able to turn lights off and on. I don't know what this means or if it is significant. I have had color before in my dreams -- the orange I know very well.

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